Monday, July 28, 2014

Chasing beautiful polish......

If I haven't mentioned it before, I feel a bit privileged in that I get to ask questions of these Indie Polish Makers and in doing so, get the inside info before anyone else.

Sarah, what a genuine sweet girl. Brave. Yep, I said it - brave. After reading her story, I couldn't help but admire her undampened spirit. Thankful for her time with Audrey, and not afraid to keep moving forward. Brave. I sincerely hope that Audrey sends another angel to her and her husband.

Beyond her personal story she's a entrepreneur as well, venturing into the Indie Polish Making (shark infested?) waters..... ok maybe not quite that dramatic but hey, competition is out there with more Indies added every day. So here I go, putting in my two cents about her product - or at least the ones I bought.

First up, Orchid.....

I just adore girly colors, once shying away from overplayed pinks, I'm back to wearing them ten fold. And it's because of polishes like this one. Three coats to full opacity and what a SHINE. While applying coat one I thought, "This would be perfect for a french mani..." so I did one, on my toes. CUTEEEEEE and lasted and lasted and lasted.....

Next, Peony

 Now, moving on to my more favorite colors; here is a lovely delicate blue called Hydrangea. I wish I was able to do the pond effect mani for you but I'm afraid that would have been laughable.
I imagine this polish would make a great pond effect mani,
(insert little girl from Despicable Me voice:) 'IT'S SO SQUISHY!!!!'

The last polish I'll feature (for now) is Wisteria, again.. the word 'delicate' comes to mind with these polishes. Their shine is amazing as well. Seriously, they didn't need a topcoat.
You must be thinking, "April how about you stfu and tell me WHERE I can purchase these lovelies?" and I would reply right here:
And then I would perhaps mention that you still have a few days to
enter my giveaway on IG(ends 7/31). 
And PS. if you go to my giveaway picture and comment with your first name and your favorite color from this collection/blog - I'll give you an extra entry!!!!!
Good luck!!

Sunday, July 6, 2014


Always on the lookout for "new meat" - I like to keep my eyes on the hashtag #nailpolish in general and also obviously #indiepolish, and although I'm still unsure on HOW she crossed my path;

I am very pleased to introduce you to Sarah, Chasing Rainbows Indie Polish Maker.

I wanted the perspective of a BRAND NEW INDIE POLISH MAKER, and here she is - I'll be able to say "I knew her when..." She's bound to be successful with the two major traits of any good indie polish maker, she's unbelievably sweet and very very customer service oriented.

I'll be voicing my opinions about her polish soon enough, first let's get to know this month's Indie Polish Maker:

How did you get into indie polish making? I was an indie fanatic way before I even thought about making my own. I've always not just loved, but also collected polish. I never thought I'd be capable of being a polish maker, but I decided to just give it a try!

How much research did you do prior to your decision? I went back and forth for months about whether or not I wanted to start making polish. As with everything else I do, I wanted to be sure I can give it 100% of my efforts. Once I decided to commit, I researched for a few weeks on how to start. I wanted to make sure that I knew the ins and outs of what I would need, where to find high quality materials, and where they can be obtained.

How long have you been actually making it for sale? I just started in May! I am brand new.

Who inspires you? Aside many other indie makers, my daughter inspires me. I named my first collection after her, Audrey. She was born in January 2013 with a severe congenital chromosomal disorder, Trisomy 13, and she was only with us for 4 months. However the joy and beauty I experienced through her short but courageous and strong fight for life gave me inspiration to do anything I set my mind to, with no limitations.

Out of what state do you operate? Do you have help? I operate out of California. My roommate helps with swatching and photography, but as far as the creation of the polishes itself it is all me :)

How old are you? Married? Family? I am 25 years old. I am married to my husband of almost 2 years, and we have one angel daughter, as discussed above :) Hopefully Audrey will become a big sister later on this year.

Is this something you do full time or do you expect to someday? I would love to create polish full time some day! It is something I thoroughly enjoy.

Why FIVE free instead of just 3? I wanted to be able to provide the BEST for consumers as possible. I love nail polish myself, and everything I create has to be something I would use myself and stand behind 100%. The least amount of unnecessary chemicals, the better.

How often do you expect to release new polishes? I would like to release new polishes at least every month. I can't make any promises though! haha.

How often do you paint your nails? Every single day. Sometimes more than once a day. I truly have an obsession.

Name of your brand? Where did you come up with it? Do you have a logo? if so, did you create it? My brand is called Chasing Rainbows. Among the infant and pregnancy loss community, the next baby to be born after the first loss is sometimes referred to as a "rainbow baby". So I liked the name Chasing Rainbows. Additionally, it also represents the incessant need to own any and every color of the rainbow in a polish bottle. I do have a logo, My husband's Navy coworker made it for me.

Where will you be in one year? Hopefully, raising a family, working on a nursing degree, and making polish.

Favorite song? It changes all the time. I do love anything by Bruno Mars. Katy Perry is my guilty pleasure. I also like EDM a bit. Right now I'm really loving "All of Me" by John Legend, and "Latch" by Sam Smith.

Biggest pet peeve? Grammar errors drive me nuts. You* You're* Your*!! Also when people use the phrase "that's so RETARDED". It gets under my skin when people use the word "retarded" in a way to offend someone or to berate an idea or an action. There are so many more inoffensive words that can be used instead.


Tuesday, July 1, 2014

My Not-So-Secret Love Affair

So, it may have become a bit apparent that I have begun a love affair with ShopEighty4 polishes, and I can seriously see myself easily being sucked into her skin/beauty products as well. Let me tell you my little story (I promise, it's little)....

I had purchased from ShopEighty4 in the past - 2 microglitters and a creme. To be completely honest, I'm just not good with microglitters! I buy them from everyone because c'mon - they're glittery, and beautiful...why WOULDN'T I buy them right? But every single one I buy is a disappointment, I make a clumpy mess and it makes me sad. So, I was disappointed as usual with the microglitters, but the creme...well, that was a different story. I loved the pigment and the coverage so I blogged. I know, shocker.

Enter Fefe, makes some nice comments prompting my request for an interview. Knowing I'd be doing the interview and wanting to purchase some lovelies for a giveaway (my normal practice), I placed an order. This and that and oh yeah that looks nice, and that one will be good for a give away and so on...honestly thinking one or two I'd keep and the others would just be give aways.
So they come...

And then I try Sea Goddess...

And I die.

And then Barbie Ride...and Say What? and Tropical Rain Forest....and Enchantment, and Barney on Drugs....

Instantly hooked. Done. Immediately placed reorder for everything (for the give away) PLUS her new beach collection...yes....even though I still haven't finished trying the ones I have already purchased I am just SO anxious to be getting more.

Normally, I'd feel some guilt because as we know, indie polish shopping CAN get pricey but seriously her prices are unbelievably reasonable. I can afford to go a little nuts and that makes me happy. My collection is growing fast.

So, there are a few of my new lovelies here - and you know I'll be bragging about the new ones when they arrive. Do yourself a favor and check her site out, and do ME a favor and read my INTERVIEW WITH AN INDIE SHOP EIGHTY4.