Saturday, April 5, 2014

LIQUID SKY LACQUER - Interview with an Indie

Have you ever wanted to ask your favorite indie nail polish maker questions? Me too!!!!!!!
Who would you want to ask? Your favorite indie polish maker perhaps?

My favorite, from Liquid Sky Lacquer, Carolyn agreed to be my first victim!!

This is my very first Interview with an Indie. Since she is so gracious and sweet, Carolyn took time from her VERY busy schedule of school and her unbelievable creative motivation to answer my questions.

Since today is the release of her latest creations, the timing is perfect to post this blog.
Speaking of which, I'll be having a giveaway beginning today. I've been a LSL fan for quite a while now and her Jordan Almond Collection is just perfect for spring.

Watch for contest rules on my IG today.

When did you first start making polish?
Carolyn: Late September 2012
Why did you decide to make nail polish?
Carolyn: First I was excited to see manis on Instagram, then realized some people were making their own polish, so I wanted to do it too.
Do you think you will ever stop making nail polish?
Carolyn: Oh, probably, some year. :) No plans though!
What is YOUR favorite nail polish of all time? What is your favorite of your own?
Carolyn: This seems lame, but I love Essie's Sugar Daddy. I can do anything with it! Of my own? Well, I've currently decided that I love my new Spring Garden Collection. I like all of the colors at the same time…like a rainbow
What do you see happening with the nail polish industry ten years from now?
Carolyn: I think it will cool off a bit, perhaps. I think polish is a fun thing that let's a person dress up a little or be outrageous, but still able to walk down the street without being stared at for the wrong reasons. Plus, it's less expensive and takes up less space than a shoe or purse collection

Where do you see YOU ten years from now?
Carolyn: I hope to be using a degree in neuroscience in some way.
Did you ever expect you’d be as successful as you have become?
Carolyn: No, but I never really thought about it. I'm really grateful to my early IG followers who supported me and promoted my product.
I know you’re going to school, what degree are you pursuing? Why?
Carolyn: My undergrad degree will be psycho biology. I think that the brain and how it works or doesn't is the coolest thing!
Who has been an inspiration to you? Who in the nail community has been an inspiration?
Carolyn: My mom. She never gave up on me when things were difficult. She encouraged and helped me with the business…though she did become a bit obsessed with glitter!
In the nail community, Rychelle from Colorsplash Nails. She's great in so many ways

Do you have any hobbies?
Carolyn: Good grief! Whose got time for hobbies! LSL doubles as my hobby. I love working with colors
I know you’re environmentally cautious – with your new packaging idea, is there any advice you’d like to share to make us all a little more aware? Something simple we could do to help our environment? What can you tell me about your new packaging?
Carolyn: So, I've been packing with vermiculite. I was looking for and eco-friendly way to cushion my polishes. Vermiculite is also a packing compliant material that is absorbent when sending liquids. My incidence of breakage was down 75%, but vermiculite is wildly unpopular, so I may just switch back to tissue paper.
How often do you paint your nails?
Carolyn: LOL! Maybe 2 times a month unless I have to swatch.
Your nails are beautiful, is there a special product you use? Cuticle oil? Lotion? Base/top coat?
Carolyn: I use Lush's Lemony Flutter. When I massage it in daily, my nails are very healthy. I like Orly Nail Defense as a base coat and Seche Vite for the top.
What is your favorite movie of all time?
Carolyn: All Harry Potter movies
What is your guilty pleasure
Carolyn: Candles and soaps from Bath and Body Works

As you can tell, she's genuine and down to earth with an incredible drive to succeed. I find her inspirational in so many ways. I think she's an excellent example for future generations - whether they be indie nail polish makers or psycho biologists. Her ambition is infectious. Most of all it's her attitude - accommodating, gracious, mature. Her nail polish isn't bad either!!!


Today she restocks and releases her Spring 2014 collection, good luck to all anticipating getting their polished fingers on her lovely creations. If you're new to indie nail polish, this is an excellent place to start!!!!


  1. I LOVE the fact that Carolyn says her success was due to her early followers! How awesome is that?! Carolyn is down to earth and is always sweet and kind and nice when you talk with her on Instagram. I just love her!!

  2. I think it is wonderful that Carolyn is trying to be more environmentally friendly! There are so many polish makers (both indie and mainstream) that just produce polishes for the bottom line. It is refreshing to see both of you address this issue and try to bring to light topics that are not often discussed in the nail community! Great series :) Can't wait to see what's next!

  3. I absolutely luv how she mentioned her mom and I believe her interest in so many things make her polish as amazing as it is! From the brain to other indies. I think its cool that Sugar Daddy is her fav color its a beautiful timeless color n I believe that's exactly what her new set is going to be for its users! I just hope im lucky enough to try it. My 5 children make it gard to purchase to much at all for me vut that's okay my kids deserve the world n I hope my kids speak of me one day as she does her mom. Thank u for giving us this awesome opportunity to get to know a polish genius!

    1. Oh n the name Jordan almond collection is absolutely as yummy sounding as it is beautiful stunning looking!
